Fantage remake Pixel Park now in open beta

Hey Pixians, it’s Neb as always, and boy, do I have the update y’all have been waiting for!

On November 29th, 2019, Pixel Park opened its doors to new registration and it has remained open since then. There have been no complaints about email confirmations thus far, meaning open beta is going well.

As of yet, there have still been no game updates apart from the occasional bug patch or server maintenance.

Last night, there was a huge amount of users online, namely on the Spruce server. Here are a few images I was able to catch.

Me and M!
M snatched Doll’s wig, leading to some CHAOS
There was quite the chaos
I don’t even know lmao
This was a pic taken on our journey to find the secret room
This isn’t my screenie but CUTE

The secret room still has yet to be found. Keep searching!

Also, we are at $843 in donations. We only have 15 days left. Donate, donate, donate!

Hope you all enjoy open beta. Best regards,

Neb ❤

Fantage remake Pixel Park is getting new features soon?

Hi everybody it’s your local Pixian Neb! ♕ Today I’m going to be discussing some messages sent by M in the Fantage Community discord, in #pixel-park-discussion. Here’s a screenshot of what he said, with a word translation for those blind or vision impaired❋:

Just M: $1,200 on the fundraiser will get Pixel Park an inventory system. Just throwing that out there.
Jetleaf: Where are we at right now?
Just M: I see $823 right now.

M might as well stand for Mysterious, since there are a hell of a lot of questions from this semi-cryptic, vague message. One, will inventory feature be standalone, no currency or shopping included? Will it come with clothes or will we just be able to click the button?

I’ve sent a Discord message to M, which he may or may not answer. Here’s what I sent to him: (vision impaired/blind translation at bottom of photo)

neb: I have two questions about Pixel Park if you don’t mind answering for my blog, 1. You said with the $1,200 goal, we will get inventory. Will this come with the ability to shop for items, or will it just be a blank inv? What will this update come with? 2. Do you have an estimate for the next update in Pixel Park?
Thank you

Let’s see if he responds. I’ll update you if he does.

Regardless of whether this update is standalone or not, or what it entails, steps of progress are still exciting! But, in order to get it, we need donations. We only have $823, and around $400 left to raise for inventory update. It’s up to US to donate. Are you #ALLIN?

Remember guys, we only have until December 15th to donate!!!

Here’s the link. There are some perks to donating $20+. If you can, donate. It’s just a small gesture to a huge project that NEEDS funding to continue.

Catch you later!

-Neb ✉ ❤

banned users

hello everybody!!!! today is day 2 of pixpa !

btw; I GOT AN ACCOUNT! thank you so much M for helping me out.

some users have been getting banned. M has something to say:

so , the reason some people got banned was for usernames. nobody was banned for things said in chat unless you were reported to M.

so, KEEP THE USERNAMES CLEAN!! and u won’t be banned.

that’s it for now!

catch you later ,

neb ❤

long time, no see!

hiiii!!! it’s kennedy/nebula 🙂 and i’m finally updating !!

after a long time of NO UPDATES D-:, we finally got a release on Wednesday, November 27th, 2019 at 6 pm EST!!!

okay so… let’s discuss bugs xD

first off, the CODES …. some people were not getting confirmation emails, thereby not being able to play because their account wasn’t logging in.

a less common bug which i experience was the website being LITERALLY OUT. it would say it had too much cache even after clearing cookies.

but hey, it was launch day.

also, new blog post by M!!! he discusses how he’s taking away account registration unless you pay $10… thoughts ???

you can see it at

that’s it for now babies !!! i’ll update you when i actually get an acc .

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okay so this is actually kinda big!

so they’re switching websites from to… !!!

on the new website, you can see the map (super bad quality LMAO)

and thats the logo

Make sure you add our blog/website to your bookmarks for easy access, and share our new website to inform others in the community of the changes coming this week -via M’s blogpost… THIS WEEK?!?? hopefully omg…

the legacy ends in 12 hours and im kinda depressed BUT IM EXCITED FOR WHATS TO COME!

there is a purchase section (not accessible yet) so i assume as soon as closed beta ends, membership will be a thing lol

ok that’s it hehe <<333 byeee follow me

confirmed locations in pixel park≧◠◡◠≦

@Fantage_Fan#3032 on discord brightened up the sneak peek photos and here’s what they found. (btw, they have a blog too, follow that!!)

TDLR after pictures

at the bottom left corner you can see it says beach, and there’s a n shaped overhang that we assume says downtown. but it could be uptown! also on the right there’s something that looks like “secret agency”
you can see a forest sign at the bottom right’
the beach- not much here except a sign on the left reading Light House


Confirmed locations:

Uptown/Downtown (pretty sure it’s downtown, based on proportions of photo)





Possibly Secret Agency

Mt PixPa

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closed beta coming soon (‐^▽^‐)

hey guys!
i just wanted to make a small lil update.

so M was online today… and someone asked about closed beta… to which he replied

so on look out for a blog post regarding closed beta!!

also… here’s a meme i thought you’d appreciate by fario!


sooo.. yeah. updates have been rolling in lately! i’ll update asap when M posts that blog post… be sure you guys apply for closed beta.

xoxo,, kennedy

pixel park discord update!!! <<3

Fario-P 4-24-19

” yo @Just M, you said that you’ll be making a Plan Z discord server soon, when will that open? idk since plan z isnt fantage, i dont see why plan z updates have to keep occuring in a fantage-based server “

Just M 4-25-19

“@Fario-P Maybe some time in May? I’ve been focusing on development first.”

the new Discord is gonna come out around this month or june!! i’m so excited uwuu ʕ·ᴥ· ʔ

ok that’s all ,,, sorry it’s short! if i don’t post for a few days sorry im grindin on maple story and working hard on edits … :)) byeee

xx kennedy