Goodbye, M. For good.

Myths: I “slandered” M.

Number 1, this is literally impossible, as slander is spoken. Libel is written. Learn the difference before threatening me with legal actions.

Number 2, slander/defamation/libel MUST be untrue for it to be considered as such.

Here is the screenshot M used on the blog where he called these messages slander. I made the blue coverings for sensitive viewers. The words are wh*re and i**el. I do apologize for using those words. It was definitely toxic and immature, but I was very mad. I understand this does not justify these words being used, but I hope you can understand my mindset.

Proof of M calling my messages slander.

M did indeed say that giving me a refund would break his policies. And I did indeed give him proof there is no grounds for ban. Yet I am told I have spread slander.

In addition, I was banned from Pixel Park for “slander”. One, wrong legal term. Two, no proof was given when I asked for it. Indeed M said verbatim “I don’t have time to dig through them all again” when I asked him what false rumors I started.

In fact, I searched through the Terms and Conditions. Let’s quote them. “Although this site encourages users to post certain friendly, non-harmful material, you are solely responsible for any and all ideas, data, or anything else (“Postings”) posted or otherwise transmitted onto this site through your account.”

I want you to focus on a specific phrase towards the end. “or anything else (“Postings”) posted or otherwise transmitted onto this site through your account.” M never mentioned outside of the site. Therefore, there are no grounds for ban.

Even if I did spread libel about M **which I did not**, he cannot ban me for this. He could, however, sue me and pursue legal action.

And M, if we’re going to talk law, posting screenshots of private messages is illegal without permission from all parties, therefore your recent blogpost is illegal.

So, goodbye M. I know I’m never getting back the 20 dollars and over 48 hours I spent working on the help for your game.

Goodbye forever. Thank you for everything, M and everybody in this community. I thank you all for always being there for me.

On a positive note, this blog will be turned into a blog supporting the new project, Mirai! See you guys soon! Stay following.

Thank you for sticking with me! Love you,

Nebula / Kennedy ❤

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