Fantage remake Pixel Park now in open beta

Hey Pixians, it’s Neb as always, and boy, do I have the update y’all have been waiting for!

On November 29th, 2019, Pixel Park opened its doors to new registration and it has remained open since then. There have been no complaints about email confirmations thus far, meaning open beta is going well.

As of yet, there have still been no game updates apart from the occasional bug patch or server maintenance.

Last night, there was a huge amount of users online, namely on the Spruce server. Here are a few images I was able to catch.

Me and M!
M snatched Doll’s wig, leading to some CHAOS
There was quite the chaos
I don’t even know lmao
This was a pic taken on our journey to find the secret room
This isn’t my screenie but CUTE

The secret room still has yet to be found. Keep searching!

Also, we are at $843 in donations. We only have 15 days left. Donate, donate, donate!

Hope you all enjoy open beta. Best regards,

Neb ❤

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