Interview with "M" (pixpa archive)

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M is the head developer of Pixel Park.

Pixpa: Hey, M! I’m the Pixparazzi. I’m gonna ask you some questions.Paragraph

M: Shoot.

Pixpa: What’s your favorite username other than yours?

M: M2.

Pixpa: On a scale of 1 – 10 how much do you love those who donate?

M: 4, because they should donate more

Pixpa: What’s one thing you’d say to all Pixpa players?

M: One, my buddy list is full. Also, nobody has found the secret room yet.

Pixpa: M, what do you love about the player bases the most?

M: The noses.

Pixpa: Okay, last question. Why should we donate?

M: Do you like rare items?

Pixpa: Thanks for answering my questions!